5 Tips to Speed Up Your Android Phone

Speed Up Your Android Phone

Have you noticed your Android phone slowing down over the past few months? Sure, it’s only natural – after all, you’ve been using it every single day, and it’s built up a lot of stored data in that time. There are plenty of ways to speed up your Android phone, but few that work within 5 minutes and even fewer require so little effort on your part. Here are five tips to help speed up your Android phone in five minutes or less!

Five tips to Speed Up Your Android Phone are below;

Read Also: How to Increase Battery Life of Phone

1) Update Your Apps

Updating your apps from Google Play Store can help speed up your phone. Try updating the apps that you use the most, like email or social media.  You may be surprised how much faster it is when your app is updated! That’s because many developers provide updates that have been designed to take less space and run better on newer devices.

2) Delete Unused Apps

The second thing you should do is delete unused apps. This will help you free up space on your phone and make it run faster. Go into your app drawer and look for the apps that you haven’t opened in a long time. If there are any that you don’t plan on using, just get rid of them. You can always re-download them if you change your mind later.

3) Restrict Background Processes

Another thing you should do is restrict background processes. To do this, go to Settings > Battery and tap the three dots on the top right. Under Battery Optimization, tap Manage Apps. Here, you will see a list of all your apps and what they are doing in the background. You can turn them off by tapping on their name, or you can change their settings so that they only run in the foreground when necessary.

4) Turn Off Auto-Sync

Auto-sync can slow down your phone and cause battery drain. Turn off auto-sync by going to Settings > Accounts > Google > Auto Sync. Here, you will see a list of apps that are set up for auto-sync. Toggle off the apps you don’t need on at all times.

5) Use a Lighter Home Screen Launcher

One way to speed up your phone is to use a lighter home screen launcher. One of the best lighter launchers for Android is called Google Now Launcher. It’s fast, lightweight and easy on your battery. Plus, it has many of the same features that you’re used to in other launchers.

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